After years of hard work and dedication, You are FEARLESS!… our team has created a virtual fair to help you take on new challenges by sharing support, educational and training opportunities …
Tuesday-February 9th
1pm Vocational Rehabilitation - Bureau of Blind and Visual Services
Meeting ID: 882 6456 7333 Passcode: 030410
2pm Huntingdon County CareerLink—Youth Career Development Specialist
Meeting ID: 873 1173 8350 Passcode: 039173
Wednesday-February 10th
10am Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology
Meeting ID: 849 5249 7886 Passcode: 248160
1:30pm EDSI Solutions-Workforce Development & Training for Juniata County
Meeting ID: 857 2642 6994 Passcode: 685062
Thursday-February 11th
10am Vocational Rehabilitation Overview- Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Meeting ID: 894 0876 4348 Passcode: 959267
1pm Triangle Tech-”Hands On” Technical School
Meeting ID: 874 1901 2299 Passcode: 506340
Friday-February 12th
10am SKILLS Employment Services Team—Job Shadowing & Paid Work Experiences
Meeting ID: 893 8959 2946 Passcode: 823433